Thursday, February 12, 2009

Down 4 more pounds

Hello! I haven't bloged in a while about my weight loss. It's hard, I just can't find the time with everything else thats gonig on in my crazy busy life! I just wanted to say that I weighed myself again this past Sunday and I am down 4 more pounds. So a total of 8 pds since the begining of January! It's not alot but I haven't even been exercising. I know I need to but I haven't had a chance! The only exercise I get is walking on school campus to and from class. Once this weather gets a little nicer I do plan to start running. I did think I was pregnant so for the past 2 weeks I have cheated. It turns out I'm not so it's back to the strick diet. Now that I've cheated a little and have been drinking coke I'll have those headaches again :( oh well thats what I get!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The weekend

Ok, so this past weekend I went upnorth and was looking at all my friends pictures she has on her laptop. She has pictures of me from 4 years ago! I looked at all the pictures, even the ones from just before I had Ava and I sooooo want to look like that again! If that wasn't the BIGEST push to want to loose this weight than I don't know what would push and drive me to. (Besides the old me walking right up to the fat me and shaking that little tush in my face!)Any who, I will post some old school pics and post a pre-preggo pic and a post preggo pic for you!

Yesterday I ate 2 eggs over hard and 1 slice of dry toast for breakfast and fr lunch I had a grilled chicken wrap. Then I went to school and got out at 8:20 and at some left over grilled chicken and rice. This morning so far I'm working on a mocha. I know I know probably not the best thing to have but I was craving one and needed a BIG wake me up. If any of you have any tips on loosing weight I would LOVE to hear them. Chat with you soon!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Ok, sorry about not blogging about my weight loss adventure for 2 weeks! Fell off the band wagon a little :( Things were going great then I was tempted with pizza and it all went down hill from there! Ok, ok I know that if I want to loose this 35 pounds I know that I need to STAY on the band wagon! I have lost 4 pounds but I know that I could be down even more than that by now. I have been extremly busy. I started school last week I'm taking 4 classes 12 credits and also working a full time job (overtime is always on my check). Plus being a mommy and a wife. It's all soooo exhausting . I know that's no excuse though. I have still been watching my calorie intake and PORTION CONTROLL!!!!

OK, so I did good yesterday. I was soooo busy at work I didn't eat breakfast which isn't good but I couldn't help it. I ate some left over ravioli for lunch at 1:30 with tons and tons of water. I'm so sick of drinking just water. BLAH!!!! I didn't eat again until I got out of work at 5:30. I had 1 fresco chicken taco at taco bell. You know the low fat tacos they have there. It's made with chicken and fresco fresh salsa and lettuce only. I ordered 2 and could only eat 1 I was so full. Then when I got out of class I was STARVING so I ate the 2nd chicken taco at 9:00. I know it's bad to eat so late but I couldn't help it. I had a massive head ache and had to eat.

This morning so far I've had water. I haven't went on break yet to get breakfast but when I do I will eat in the cafeteria and I always ask for a veggie omlete with only 1 slice of american cheese and no toast. With WATER!

My sister has lost 7 pounds so far. She is running on a treadmill though and I don't have one. I wish I did. I don't have time to go to the gym anymore but I want to start running outside in the Clio park with Ava and Wayne when it starts to get nice out! My coat fits much better now. It's more loose and my new skirts that I got for Christmas fit a little looser as well. It's coming off I just need to do a little bit better. When pizza is offered I can't say no! Wayne and I haven't been eating out so that's better for me. I have been preparing meals in the crock pot like pork roast potatos and carrots. Also alot of chicken and ground turkey. I will be walking again today on my lunch.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


ok so because I walked like a crazy maniac yesterday I am SO SORE!!!! My thighs, calves, + butt,are soo sore! I was very proud of myslef last though. I was supposed to make ground turkey goolosh but Wayne wanted me to make my awesome meatloaf. I have never made it with the ground turkey before but MAN OH MAN was it delicious!!!! It was even better with the turkey than with the ground beef and alot more healthy too! I only ate 1 small helping with 2 small plain potatoes that were cut in 1/2 and a small portion of green beans with no salt or butter added! Oh my goodness it was so good. I know that the sauce that I make to put on top isn't good for me but when I looked at the nutrition label on the back of the brown sugar that I add to the sauce it isn't really that bad. Well any way, I'm proud that I stuck to it yesterday. The first 2 weeks are the hardest. This morning I had 1 cup of coffee with light cream, 1 cup of fiber bran cereal with 1/2 cup of 2%, a banana, and for a snack I just ate a 1/2 deli ham sandwhich. I haven't drank my bottled water yet which I should have it finished by now. Oh well, I will be taking my first 15 min break soon where I will be WALKING OFF MORE POUNDS!!! Suprisingly enpough I'm not hungry and this morning when I woke up I didn't feel bloated at all. My tummy was very flat. I guess not eating past 7 really does the trick!

Monday, January 5, 2009

I WILL loose 35 pds!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so I offically started my first New Years resolution today. I have to loose 35 pounds by Ava's first birthday!!! I have 6 1/2 months to do it! First of all I am going to blog like CRAZY about my weightloss. I think it will help me tremendously to track my weight loss. It will also help me to just blog when I feel hungry or when I messed up and ate something I shouldn't have. I know you all probably don't care too much but I think it may inspire some of you to try to get healthier as well! If not I'm sure you'll get a kick out of reading my fat blogs!!!!

First of all I am going to track my weightloss by blogging my weight once a week.

Monday January 5th- 193.5 pds

My goal- 158 pds

Pds left to loose- 35 pds

The things I am doing to loose this weight-
1. Eating a good breakfast
2. Eating a healthy lunch
3. Eating a well balanced healthy dinner
4. Not eating fast food
5. Not eating past 7:00
6. Getting plenty of rest
7. Walking on both my 15 minute breaks and on my 30 minute lunch! ( my friend here at work did that and lost 80 pds in 1 year just from walking!)
9. I also started taking Acai Berry supplements during the day and Ultra 90 at night
10. Sit ups before bed every single night! I want to get to at least 500. (Britany Spears lost all her baby weight recently and she does 500 sit ups too!!)

So far today I have ate...

Breakfast- 1 banana, 1 low fat Activia yogurt cup, 2 cups of coffee with no sugar light creamer, 1 bottle of water
Snack- 1 cup of lite bluberry pomagranite applesauce, 1 more bottle of water
Lunch- 1/2 deli ham sandwhich with lite dejon mustard and a slice of provlone
Snack- 1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese, other 1/2 of my deli sandwhich, another bottle of water

And tonight when I get home I am having turkey goolosh with green beans. I'm cutting WAY down on my portions and drinking nothing but water and fruit juice. The juice I'm drinking is V-8 splash lite. Soooo yummy!!!

I am hungry now but I leave work in 30 minutes so I will start the goolosh as soon as I get home! I am also going to do my sit ups before I go to bed!

Ok, wish me luck!!!!!